As a returning war veteran, you may be experiencing some difficulty with adjusting to your more civilian life. But let’s say that your service has only furthered your interested in being your own boss, as a matter of fact, you were often looked upon as a team leader and one that your fellow soldiers relied upon during some of your more pivotal moments. Now, that you’ve returned back to American soil, you are once again looking to take your leadership skills to the next level; small business ownership.
The military has had a long tradition of management, chains of command and hierarchies, all of which that are well suited to your new business plans. After all, since your days in Kandahar, you’ve been dreaming about your new product and how you are going to go about achieving these dreams. The problem: You’ve never owned a business. The solution: The Small Business Administration’s “Boots to Business” program.
Developed specifically to help with small business training, ideas and ultimately tools for success, these program was designed exclusively to encourage our over 2.45 million veteran-owned businesses (that also employ some 5.8 million individuals) to take their military experiences and transition back into mainstream America. This is one way to acknowledge and honor our veteran’s greatest contributions to build upon our nation’s strength and security. Once their tour is complete, they can return and rebuild their lives with the help and assistance of our government, just to get them up and running.
The Veteran’s Business Outreach Program (VBOP) is another avenue that our returning veterans can seek out to get them started in small business ownership. The VBOP helps facilitate training, loan options and mentoring to all veterans. They also assist with budgetary plans, marketing strategies and entrepreneurial development. Things that most of us (civilians included) would not have the knowledge, experience and expertise in, but with such programs can quickly assist our veterans and get them on the way to business ownership.
By utilizing our governmental resources, we can assist our nation’s returning veteran’s and give them the help and encouragement that they deserve. After risking their lives overseas, it is the least we can do to help instill a sense of completion, success and confidence. Our veteran’s our also one of our greatest resources, hardworking men and women who know how the critical pieces of management, teamwork and perseverance play together in order to successfully achieve a goal, whether on the battlefield or in the boardroom.
See All The Benefits Of Clipper Commercial Capital’s SBA Loan Program.